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Madison Historical Society

There are many ways to donate.
Discover which suits you best.

The Madison Historical Society is a 501(c)3 corporation, and many donations have tax advantages. You can support MHS through making a donation, shopping with Amazon Smile, an IRA Contribution, or a gift of Stock.

To make a General donation, Memorial donation, or Capital Fund Drive donation to the Madison Historical Society, please complete the form below and make a payment via PayPal using your credit card or PayPal account. If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Madison Historical Society and send to PO Box 515, Madison, OH 44057.

If yes, please provide name and address of the individual to receive the acknowledgement letter:
Please note: When you click the "Continue to PayPal" button below, you will be directed to PayPal to complete your donation. Your donation is not complete until you finish the payment process with PayPal. Thank you for your donation

Additional Ways to Donate

Many older individuals make annual charitable contributions with assets in their individual retirement accounts (IRAs). If you are 70 ½ or older, charitable contributions from your IRA may count toward your annual required minimum distribution without having to record it as taxable income. You may be able to transfer up to $100,000 per year from your Traditional or Roth IRA to the Madison Historical Society, a qualified charity, without paying income taxes on the funds transferred. And your gift may be tax-free to the Madison Historical Society. Contact your IRA custodian to request the necessary forms to make the gift.

Donating stock or other appreciated securities offers benefits for both you and the Madison Historical Society. For stocks and other appreciated securities that you have owned for at least one year, you can deduct your cost, plus your capital gain up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income.
As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Madison Historical Society is considered an approved charity by the IRS. Your Financial Advisor or Broker can help you with this tax effective opportunity. It is important that your Broker include your name with the Stock transfer to ensure proper crediting of the gift.

There are many ways to donate.
Discover which suits you best.

The Madison Historical Society is a 501(c)3 corporation, and most donations have tax advantages. You can support MHS through making a donation, shopping with Amazon Smile, a tax-free IRA Contribution, or a gift of Stock.

To make a General donation, Memorial donation, or Capital Fund Drive donation to the Madison Historical Society, please complete the form below and make a payment via PayPal using your credit card or PayPal account. If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Madison Historical Society and send to PO Box 515, Madison, OH 44057.

If you are making this donation as a General donation, Memorial or in Honor of donation, or Capital Fund Drive donation, please note that information here
If yes, please provide name and address of the individual to receive the acknowledgement letter:
Please note: When you click the "Continue to PayPal" button below, you will be directed to PayPal to complete your donation. Your donation is not complete until you finish the payment process with PayPal. Thank you for your donation


Volunteers created the Madison Historical Society in 1978, and have been essential to the success of our organization! We are always looking for people to help with a variety of activities that keep the society running smoothly. Why not share your enthusiasm, creativity, and talent with us?