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Madison Historical Society

About Us

Help the Madison Historical Society by making a donation.
We accept both artifacts and monetary donations.

Founded in Preservation

The Madison Historical Society was created in 1978. The previous year, Madison residents Donna Keyse and Louanna Billington attended an estate auction at the historic Crandall Homestead on Middle Ridge Road in Madison Township. That day, they saw countless one-of-a-kind artifacts and their history leave Madison with antique dealers from outside the area. That fired both women with the inspiration that led to the formation of The Madison Historical Society.

The Madison Historical Society became a 501(c)3 corporation in 1980. Throughout the ensuing years, the Society was located in several temporary locations in the village and the township. A substantial collection of artifacts, representing the social and business development of Madison’s history, has been built thanks to the generosity of many local families. As well, the Society has assembled a respectable research library, thanks to the generosity of the community at large. In the year 2020, the Society’s greatest asset was acquired – a permanent home.

The Madison Historical Society resides in a building in Madison Village that was originally constructed as a Carnegie Library in 1918. A civic-minded group, The Fortnightly Club of Madison, decided to seek a grant from the Carnegie Corporation to build a public library. In 1915, the Carnegie Corporation of New York awarded a grant to the Madison Township and Village Free Library Association. The Madison Free Library opened its doors in April, 1919 and continued to serve the community at 126 West Main Street in the village for 55 years. After the library outgrew the Carnegie building and moved to a new location, the Madison Village Administration and Police Department moved their offices to 126 West Main. In July 2020, The Madison Historical Society purchased the building as our permanent home.

Private and non-profit, the Society continues to grow and thrive.
Our services and activities are accomplished by an Executive Board and Advisors and volunteers from our membership.


Volunteers created the Madison Historical Society in 1978, and have been essential to the success of our organization! We are always looking for people to help with a variety of activities that keep the society running smoothly. Why not share your enthusiasm, creativity, and talent with us?

There are many ways to donate.
Discover which suits you best.

The Madison Historical Society is a 501(c)3 corporation, and most donations have tax advantages. You can support MHS through making a donation, shopping with Amazon Smile, a tax-free IRA Contribution, or a gift of Stock.

To make a General donation, Memorial donation, or Capital Fund Drive donation to the Madison Historical Society, please complete the form below and make a payment via PayPal using your credit card or PayPal account. If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Madison Historical Society and send to PO Box 515, Madison, OH 44057.

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