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Madison Historical Society

Capital Fund Drive

Capital Fund Drive

In July of 2020, the Executive Board of the Madison Historical Society took a “leap of faith” and acquired the building at 126 West Main Street. This location was originally constructed as a Carnegie Library in 1919, then later served as the Madison Village Administrative Offices and Village Police Department. This acquisition was made with two purposes in mind: we needed a permanent home, which we’ve never had in our entire existence, and we wanted to preserve an historic building.

Renovations to the building are necessary to meet the needs of both visitors and staff. New modifications and improvements are needed to ensure the building can best serve the needs of the community. To accomplish that, several projects have been proposed:

• New entrance for the east side of the building
• Renovate for museum and educational center
• Repair the rear parking lot
• Repair or replace the roof
• Prepare building to accommodate new technology to present Madison history

The Historical Society is excited to bring new life to an historic building. Last year, with the help of a federal grant, we restored the entire exterior brick façade of the building. A second federal grant is now enabling us to construct a new entrance on the lower level. Additional funds will be needed for the cost of the previously described renovations and improvements not covered by the grants. For that purpose, we are launching a Capital Fund Drive campaign designed to reach our goal in 3 years. We are reaching out to the community at large to support our efforts.

Please consider making a contribution or charitable gift to the Madison Historical Society’s Capital Fund Drive. We are a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization and in many cases a contribution/gift is tax-deductible. Your support will go directly to the preservation of one of Madison’s remaining historic buildings, while giving the Madison Historical Society greater opportunities to share it with many others.

Please call us at 440-417-1959 if you would like to learn more about our Capital Fund Drive. We greatly appreciate your support.

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The Madison Historical Society is a 501(c)3 corporation, and most donations have tax advantages. You can support MHS through making a donation, shopping with Amazon Smile, a tax-free IRA Contribution, or a gift of Stock.

To make a General donation, Memorial donation, or Capital Fund Drive donation to the Madison Historical Society, please complete the form below and make a payment via PayPal using your credit card or PayPal account. If you prefer to send a check, please make it payable to Madison Historical Society and send to PO Box 515, Madison, OH 44057.

If you are making this donation as a General donation, Memorial or in Honor of donation, or Capital Fund Drive donation, please note that information here
If yes, please provide name and address of the individual to receive the acknowledgement letter:
Please note: When you click the "Continue to PayPal" button below, you will be directed to PayPal to complete your donation. Your donation is not complete until you finish the payment process with PayPal. Thank you for your donation


Volunteers created the Madison Historical Society in 1978, and have been essential to the success of our organization! We are always looking for people to help with a variety of activities that keep the society running smoothly. Why not share your enthusiasm, creativity, and talent with us?